Bear - Third Grade
Welcome to the Bear Den
Den Number 4
Third Grade or 8-9 Yrs
Summary Much of the advancement for the Bear rank is done by the scout with their family outside of the den. The parent signs off in the scout's handbook and the Den Leader records the advancements from the handbook in our tracking Software. The Bear program relies heavily on family involvement, but you will see this gradually change with the scout doing more with the den and more individual direction as he advances to Webelos.
Ready to join?
Send an email to our committee chair ( ) and leave your phone number or go to this page and use our online form.
Welcome Bears!
Congratulations to the Wolves on your advancement from to Bears in May! You did a great job and we are proud of you. We also welcome our new Bears to the Pack.
We can look forward to some camping and tons of other fun stuff in the year to come. Hopefully you are as excited as we are?!
Den meetings have started and event planning is underway. Our Den Meetings and events are posted on the calendar so keep an eye open for important dates. You should also plan to attend the Monthly Pack Meeting where you will meet ALL of our Scouts in grades K - 5. We also present awards and achievements at the Pack Meetings.
Enjoy a great year of Scouting and a great year of fun. Glad to have you along!